Duke Street Nursery School

"Our children and families are at the heart of everything that we do"

Pre-School - Hub


Our Pre-School environment is a treasure chest of authentic, real and natural resources. We know that children learn best when they are able to explore and use all of their senses. This is encouraged throughout the environment with many hands-on and exciting provocations for learning which are irresistible for both children and adults alike! 


The learning spaces are carefully arranged to create pockets of learning experiences on lots of different levels. Children weave in and out of areas as they explore, finding small spaces to learn alone, or larger areas to collaborate and be with others. 


Our home from home approach ensures that children feel safe and relaxed. Low lighting, plants, essential oils and soft furnishings communicate that this is a comfortable and secure place to be. 


Our children can be seen throughout the environment as we follow their interests, respect and find out about their families and provide unique and individual learning which allows every single child to thrive and love being in nursery. 


Our environment is constantly evolving as we welcome new children and explore new seasonal learning experiences. Please see the below video which was filmed as we move into winter. This will give you a flavour of the unique and inspiring provision which we have on offer.