Duke Street Nursery School

"Our children and families are at the heart of everything that we do"

2 Year Olds - Lodge


The Lodge is our purpose built space for our two year old children.  This building is much smaller than the rest of our nursery which is exactly what these children need. They need to be able to see and hear their key person at all times as they build up their confidence to explore and play. 


We know that children who are two years old need lots of opportunities to be active and busy! Our environment therefore provides lots of opportunities for large scale, physical play on lots of different levels, both inside and out. 


The environment is calm and relaxed with natural and homely features present throughout. This ensures that children feel safe and happy in what for many, is their first step away from home. 


Many of our practitioners are schema trained and work hard to support children's schemas through their play. These are the repetitive behaviours which children display as they find out and and learn about the world around them, for e.g. by posting items through small places, or transporting toys using bags or baskets. 


Lancashire County council are running a campaign to promote the Early Education Funding for 2-year-olds offer to eligible families – you can use this link to check if you are eligible:  lancashire.gov.uk/childcare