Good attendance at nursery is important for all children. It not only gives them maximum access to our curriculum, but coming to nursery every day helps your child settle into nursery routines and develop close relationships with others. Children can naturally take time to settle into nursery school, this is normal and we will support you and your child every step of the way to ensure that they are settled and happy.
We work individually with families and carers to promote consistent attendance and will go above and beyond to support you, this could include changing session times/days and offering support for routines.
We ask all parents to inform the nursery office each morning/afternoon if your child is going to be absent. It is our duty of care to contact the families of children who are not in on a particular day, just to make sure that your child is okay to see if there is anything that we can do to help. Persistent and frequent unknown absences/late arrivals (5 or more) will be passed to the headteacher/assistant headteacher, who may contact the families to offer support.
Following a request from the governing body, we have now put the following things into effect to improve school attendance:
1) We have now introduced a late book in the nursery reception. If a child arrives after registers are closed, the parent/guardian will be asked to sign the child(ren) in at reception and the office staff will take the children into the environment from there.
2) For early collections the above will apply and parent/guardians will be asked to sign your child out.
3) For a holiday during term time please ask for a holiday request form which can be collected from the nursery office.
To view our Attendance Policy and School Attendance Procedure Flowchart,